REVERSIDE is a sophisticated dual-engine reverb processor that combines Early Reflections (ER) and Late Reflections (LR) to create realistic acoustic spaces and creative effects. This manual explains all features and parameters in detail.
Key Terms
- ER: Early Reflections - Initial sound reflections that provide spatial cues
- LR: Late Reflections - Dense, diffuse reverberations that create ambience
- UI: User Interface
User Interface Overview
The interface is organized into four main panels (top to bottom):
- Top Panel: Main controls and navigation
- Reverb Tab Panel: Parameter category selection
- Main Parameter Panel: Detailed controls for selected tab
- Status Panel: System information and monitoring
Controls and Parameters
Top Panel
- [DEVPROAUDIO * REVERSIDE] Button: Opens the About page with product information and licensing
- Preset Controls: Access and manage presets through the preset browser. Save, load, and organize your reverb settings
- Menu Button (≡): Opens preferences page. Changes to Home icon (⌂) when in preferences/about pages
- [BYPASS] Button: Enables/disables reverb processing
Preset Management

Access the preset panel by clicking the preset name. The panel displays:
- Preset Type (currently Full presets only)
- Preset Bank (Factory, User, Imported)
- Preset Folder (Hall, Room, etc.)
- Preset List (3-column view)
- [KEEP OPEN]: Keeps panel open while auditioning presets
- [SAVE...]: Creates new preset in current bank/folder
- [RESAVE]: Updates current preset with new settings
- Close panel using ESC key, clicking outside, or [CLOSE] button
- [UNITS]: Selects unit type for display (Metric/Imperial)
- [DECIMAL]: Sets decimal places for parameter values
- [TOOLTIP]: Enables/disables parameter tooltips
- [ANIMATION]: Enables/disables UI animations
Status Panel
- [CPU]: Current CPU usage
- [MEMORY]: Current memory usage
- [SAMPLE RATE]: Current sample rate
- [BUFFER SIZE]: Current buffer size
Reverb Engine Architecture
REVERSIDE uses a sophisticated dual-engine design to create realistic acoustic spaces:
Early Reflections (ER) Engine
- Simulates initial sound reflections
- Provides crucial spatial cues about room size and shape
- Features independent diffuser module for added complexity
Late Reflections (LR) Engine
- Creates dense, diffuse reverberations
- Generates characteristic ambience and decay
- Includes dedicated diffuser for enhanced richness
Key Features:
- Flexible ER/LR routing with precise mix control
- Adjustable ER to LR feed for natural evolution
- Independent stereo channel processing
- Optional channel mixing via CROSS parameter
Understanding Reverb Parameters
Time-Based Parameters

The time gap between the direct sound and the first reflections, typically ranging from 0-100ms. Pre-delay helps:
- Create a sense of space size and distance
- Improve clarity by separating direct sound from reverb
- Enhance the perception of room dimensions
- Preserve transient detail in the source material
Early Reflections (ER)
The first distinct reflections that reach the listener within 50-80ms after the direct sound. These are crucial for:
- Providing spatial cues about room geometry
- Establishing the apparent size of the space
- Creating the initial sense of depth and width
- Helping listeners locate sound sources in the space
Character and Space

Late Reflections (LR)
The complex pattern of diffused reflections that follow the early reflections, creating the reverb tail. They determine:
- The overall character and density of the reverb
- How sound decays over time
- The perceived warmth and smoothness of the space
- The level of envelopment and immersion
Decay Time (RT60)
The time taken for the reverb to decrease by 60dB, defining the space's size and character:
- Small rooms: 0.2-0.8 seconds
- Living rooms: 0.8-1.2 seconds
- Concert halls: 1.8-2.5 seconds
- Large cathedrals: 3.0+ seconds
Texture and Detail

The concentration of reflections in the reverb tail:
- Higher density creates smoother, more natural reverb
- Lower density can produce more distinct echoes
- Affects CPU usage and processing complexity
- Influences how the reverb responds to transients
Controls how quickly the sound field becomes uniform:
- High diffusion creates smooth, wash-like reverb
- Low diffusion maintains more definition
- Affects the character of early and late reflections
- Crucial for realistic space simulation
Tonal Control

Frequency-Dependent Decay
How different frequencies decay over time:
- Low frequencies typically decay slower
- High frequencies often decay faster due to air absorption
- Crucial for natural-sounding spaces
- Can be used to control mud and brightness
Output and Modulation

Width/Stereo Spread
Controls the reverb's stereo image:
- Affects perceived room boundaries
- Influences the sense of envelopment
- Can create both realistic and creative effects
- Interacts with the source material's stereo content
Subtle variations in the reverb tail that add richness:
- Rate determines the speed of variation
- Depth controls the intensity of the effect
- Can simulate air movement and natural variations
- Helps avoid metallic or artificial sounds
Mix (Dry/Wet)
The balance between the original and processed signals:
- 100% wet for send effects
- Partial wet for insert effects
- Critical for maintaining proper depth
- Affects the perceived distance of the source
Parameter Tabs
REFL (Reflections)

The Reflections page is your starting point for creating the acoustic space. Here you define the fundamental characteristics of your virtual environment.
Room Geometry Controls
- Size Knob: Sets the base size of your space (in meters)
- Dimension Sliders:
- Width (X): Horizontal width of the space
- Depth (Y): Front-to-back depth
- Height (Z): Floor-to-ceiling height
Surface Properties
- Bounce Type Buttons:
- Walls: Controls side reflection characteristics
- Floor: Defines ground reflection behavior
- Ceiling: Sets top reflection properties
- Random: Adjusts general surface irregularities
- Options:
- OFF = Soft bounce (preserves phase)
- ON = Hard bounce (inverts phase)
Early Reflection Controls
- [ER ON/OFF]: Master switch for early reflections
- [SHAPE]: Adjusts room irregularity (0-100%)
- 0% = Perfect geometric shape
- 100% = Maximum irregularity
- [DISTANCE]: Controls source-to-listener spacing
- [WALL ABS]: Sets wall absorption characteristics
MAT (Material)

The Materials page lets you shape the frequency-dependent absorption characteristics of your space.
Frequency Band Editor
- Three Independent Bands:
- Low: Controls bass frequencies
- Mid: Shapes the presence range
- High: Adjusts air absorption and brightness
- Interactive Controls:
- Click and drag bands to adjust levels
- Shift-drag for fine control
- Double-click to reset
Operation Modes
- EQ Mode:
- Standard equalizer behavior
- Direct frequency shaping
- Immediate response
- MAT Mode:
- Simulates material properties
- Order-based filtering
- More natural response
REV (Reverb)

The Reverb page is where you shape the character of the late reflections and overall decay.
Density Section
- Configuration Types:
- Type 1: Best for sustained sounds
- Type 2-3: Optimized for vocals
- Type 4: Ideal for percussive sounds
- Density Control:
- Lower values: More transparent
- Higher values: Richer, denser tail
Stereo Controls
- [WIDTH]: Adjusts stereo spread
- STD: Natural stereo field
- WIDE: Enhanced spatial spread
- [CROSS]: Controls channel interaction
- 0%: Pure stereo processing
- 100%: Maximum channel mixing
DIFF (Diffusion)

The Diffusion page adds complexity and richness through micro-reverb processing.
Diffuser Controls
- [LENGTH]: Sets diffusion time
- [DENSITY]: Controls echo density
- [SPREAD]: Adjusts temporal distribution
- [DECAY]: Shapes buildup character
Independent Processing
- ER Diffuser: Adds presence to early reflections
- LR Diffuser: Enhances reverb tail complexity
- Each section has identical controls but different sonic impact
DCY (Decay)

The Decay page offers sophisticated frequency-dependent reverb time control.
Multi-band Editor
- Split Points: Define frequency ranges
- Band Levels: Set decay times per band
- Interactive Control:
- Drag splits to adjust crossover points
- Mouse wheel to warp frequency scale
- Shift-drag for precise adjustments
Filter Modes
- OFF: Bypasses frequency-dependent decay
- REV: Affects only late reflections
- ER+LR: Processes both early and late reflections
EQ (Equalization)

The EQ page provides final tonal shaping with two precise shelving filters.
Filter Parameters
- Frequency (FQ): Sets corner frequency
- Gain (GN): Adjusts level (-40 to +20 dB)
- Q Factor: Controls transition steepness
Processing Modes
- OFF: Bypasses EQ processing
- LR: Processes only late reflections
- ALL: Affects entire reverb signal
MIX (Mixer)

Mix Controls
- Mix: Balance between original and processed signals
- ER/LR: Early and late reflections balance
Tips and Best Practices
Guidelines for optimizing reverb settings and achieving the best sound quality.
Solutions for common issues and advice on how to resolve them.